G2 would push it to map 5 mibr just got hard fluke against G2
honestly cook SR vs G2 should've been the final in my extremely unbiased opinion
You are biased
Stop lying
I caught your lie seeing your flair
i would never lie :3
most biased tl fan talking
Mibr are so reliant on srN so when they’re not online it’s actually impossible
the winner was known before the tournament even began
mibr playing so bad idk how they beat gozen
sayuri and srn were online
too bad, g2 shouldnt had used all of their strats on sunset
Dude they got 3-0 by Mibr.
You should be thankful they dont have to face SR in final. It would have been 39-0
they literally took them to 2 ots in UF
Fluke ass team
smartest na logic
G2 were the only team who gave a good competition against SR
why'd g2 get 13-1'd then?
mentality breakdance
G2 would get 39-0'd, not even kidding.