Why do Pacific teams use decide to use players from outside their team nationality. There is obviously enough talent in every single region for this to happen except for India.
DFM not that the 2 Koreans are a problem but there is enough talent in Japan to field a full Japanese roster.
ZETA they have a full Japanese roster but what with the coaches why struggle to communicate when you can just have a Japanese coach
BME they have 4 Indonesians and a Kazakhstani player, I heard boom will be communicating in English which is kind of disappointing when you can speak a native language but you cant due to one player
RRQ will probably never go to full Indonesian but I have a problem with this team because they have the players to make internationals but those players are not Jemkin and Estrella Indonesia has a vast amount of talent and I think it would work for them.
TLN wow this team is bad, ban Governor Fr0st and they had b0i, again another region with a lot of talent to pick up but they decide to not. johnolsen, ptc, sushiboys,foxz, im not even familiar with the region to say how good these players were in ascension.
The korean teams are the only ones doing it right because they have a thriving region that actually cares about winning