Are they just everywhere in ranked now or just me? 4/5 of my last games had blatant smurfs. I used to only rarely see smurfs or really good smurfs
Dunno abt Smurfs but JESUS ranked is UNBALANCED ASF, I’ve never had a close game for like a month now, always stomps from some side
I feel this way too but it's cuz one team is smurfing or some dude bought their account
what rank are you
diamond but my mmr is dookie so I'm in plat 2/3 lobbies. Swear I'm outaiming normal plats it's just these smurfs shitting on my team
i went from plat to immo in 2 acts by lokcing jett almost exclusively so try that
Worth a try my jett and op is pretty good but no info sucks
Could be just because of last day act queues, unless ur speaking abt NA