S : G2 Gozen, SR
A : Xipto, MiBR
B : Flyquest Red, GX, Falcons
C : ALG, Zeta
Here's my reasoning, I've been watching GC regionals and GCC for the past 2 or so years.
Spoilered is just how I feel about level of play, competitiveness and casting for context
The level of play in the GC bracket is okay-ish, but you can't expect insanity. A LOT of teams work on the power of friendship and not actual strategy / aim and you can usually spot the weakest link really easily. A lot of teams have players to never hit radiant, and even some of the strongest rosters have situations like this.
It's nowhere near as competitive as T2 and there's arguably 5-6 GC teams worldwide that are trying to get there, my prediction is they will either in BR or EMEA (looking at MIBR GC, G2G and TL BR). A lot of the teams want to stay in GC and not push beyond that, which is really sad, but that is common with esports, they usually don't set their goals beyond their own bracket, same way a fair share of women in chess don't play open bracket tournaments.
The casting is very hit or miss, it feels very weird from my POV, there's a certain soul missing to it and there's what I feel like needless padding for when players do poorly, maybe GCC will be casted the same way as valo major.
Why I watch;