Here in VLR Civilization, NO ONE chooses to post normal takes. It's better to be safe and post baits rather than risk your entire life for just 2 upfrags more.
here on this deserted island, EVERY ONE chooses to jump for the mango...
here in cNedville, EVERYONE has to worship and support cNed..
Like I watchpartied Alvina nd The Chipmunks last night, on Saturday night we are watchpartying the first Parkour civilization movie
I want to be there! what time are you planning on doing that?
4pm but it is in a private server that I unfortunately will not be able to let you in :(
Prejudice exists in all facets of life and parkour civilization
ok mr private server, keep hiding your government secrets in there
That is exactly whats in that server. We keep government secrets and Parkour civilization watch parties
Here in Villager Land we always risk our lives for some more green stuff. hrm hrm hrm herr hrmm hrm herr herr hrmm