They'll never be ready. It's the hard biological gap between men and women.
There's also that infamous G2 Gozen x Team Heretics 0-13, if you are not convinced:
Lots of people afraid of being accused of misogyny and skirt around the issue by saying women haven't had time to practice or pro teams not trialling women. Bro, nobody is barring women from playing in pro tournaments if they can quailify, they're mixed-sex by default, just like traditional sport tournaments. The fact that women routinely get beat by T3 teams and 13-0 by T1 teams no matter how hard they try just prove that there is an innate gap in ability between males vs. females.
People think that physical strength doesn't matter in e-sports, but there is a huge physical aspect to it: hand-eye coordination speed. It is undeniable that males outperform females in this regard. Which is understandable from an evolutionary point of view, seeing as men had to engage in far more physically demanding and dangerous tasks like hunting, which made them develop their reaction ablility better than women.
It is no doubt then that women are hard-gapped by men when it comes to e-sport just like any other sport. And this will never change.