feel like u dont need to trip flank, what do u guys think
ill just explain it to u
u trip flank so that the whole point is that U KNOW SOMEONE IS FLANK
u put a trip so that when u push sites and they stall u can rotate because if u dont have a trip they can be pushed up in ALL OF THAT SPACE
dedicating a whole person and firepower just to do something 100 creds can do is completely dumb
the whole point is to maintain map control
"they only flank one or two rounds a game"
trust me if they know u dont put a trip they will flank every chance they get and ur basically sandwiched if u push the site its a stack if u rotate they have all the info in the world
the only reason i can think of not to put a trip is to bait a dumbass into flanking too deep or just without clearing corners and then get the easy pick and man advantage
other than that i see no reason