DDenied’s 2024: EMEA 10, Honourable Mentions


Welcome to DDenied's 2024: EMEA 10, a countdown of the top 10 players in the EMEA region for 2024. Today, I'm unveiling my honourable mentions, and starting tomorrow, I'll be revealing the next player on the list, counting down from 10th place to 1st. For fans of other regions, don’t worry—each International League has its own list, and there’s also a combined Global 20 for the year.

Disclaimer: All stats are sourced from VLR.gg, and any rating mentioned refers to VLR Rating 2.0. It's important to note that events held in China were not fully tracked by VLR, leading to missing statistics. As a result, the average ratings for each player are calculated only from events where VLR data is available, which excludes all events in China. This skews the yearly averages, particularly for players in the China league.

Honourable Mentions

Boo: Boo has had an excellent year, showing remarkable improvement from his performance with Team Heretics last year. However, despite making his roster look incredibly strong, he narrowly misses out on the top 10.

MiniBoo: Like his older brother, MiniBoo just misses the top 10, largely due to the standout performances of their three teammates. Nonetheless, his selfless entry play and stellar showings at Kickoff and in the lower bracket of Champions should not be overlooked.

Elite: BBL flashed moments of promise throughout the year, but they never fully took off. Despite this, Elite was the top-rated player in EMEA Split 1 and consistently served as the driving force behind BBL’s efforts.

MrFaliN: As an IGL, MrFaliN has led some of the most unconventional compositions in EMEA and still managed to secure wins. Coupled with his fragging ability and FUT’s strong performance this year, he more than earns his spot as an honourable mention.

Leo/hiro: Although there were supposed to be only five honourable mentions, both Leo and Hiro deserve recognition. Had either of them played the full year, they likely would have made the top 10. Their omission is solely due to splitting the year between them.

I will be adding links to the bottom of this and all susequent articles linking them to the articles either side of them in the order and the articles parrelel to them in other lists. e.g. this article will end up linked to EMEA Number 10, Americas Honourable Mentions, China Honourable Mentions and Pacific Honourable Mentions.

The Honourable Mentions for the other regions will be released through out today with a subsequent article for each region released each day until the players start making it onto the Global 20.

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