Is it just me or?

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I dont even feel like Champions ended this year, or it just feels like nothing already after its passed.

How did EDG even win Champs this year, and so fast already? And who were even in the final playoffs?

Were all teams just shit this Champions or just least exciting and not that big of a hit?

Could be the VCT withrdawals, I don't know. But like wtf happened.. went by so fast.


Life goes by so fucking quick bro

only yesterday it felt like I was 18 all over again


Could be due to many things. The Champs song wasn't as good, the atmosphere was lacking this year too, and if you are in the west you didn't get to see as many reactions on vlr/twitter live like in previous years as a lot of people weren't willing to wake up at 3/4 a.m. to watch the games.


you don’t care about it that’s why it went by fast for you

soon next year you’re gonna realize time flew by and come back to 2024 champs

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