Grand Finals Viewership

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Who tf said TH VS EDG would barely get any views? Saw a thread here yesterday saying that this would be the worst GF in competitive valorant history and that it would barely get any views. People gotta stop thinking that American Teams are the only ones who can pull viewership.

https://www.youtube.com/live/paXOFTp3Hx0?si=E2gte4ArDWfxrtNK (EDG VS TH champs 2024 GF currently sitting at 3M views)

https://www.youtube.com/live/JNYJjntEfRg?si=wbkOaIEAx_AKRdLc (EG VS PRX champs 2023 GF 2.7M views)

https://www.youtube.com/live/wpDdRR-BqdU?si=W1yOfjHkQ8B---2u (SEN VS GENG Masters Madrid GF sitting at 3.6M views, well this one's an exception cuz it's was SEN)


apparently tarik said this the least hype grand finals of all time. bro forgot that there's a whole ass country that was heavily rooting for their one team going on the champions winning run. gotta check china's viewer count btw.


EDG vs SEN would have set world records for viewership.
Unlucky they put so many tournaments in Asia cus it clashes with EU and NA's timezones. The perfect tournament would be placed in EU so all timezones can be kinda satisfied

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