Champions teams but they keep their roster


ACE:genuinely forgot a lot about them, but considering they had Kiles I don’t think they woulda won anything in 2022 and prolly fall off during Copenhagen or somewhere along then

LOUD: I honestly think if they kept their core roster, I don’t think FNC would have won Lock//In and they would actually challenge them in Tokyo(but ultimately fall short), I think they would become 2 time Champs winners though considering how far they got without pAncada and Sacy.

EG: If they kept their roster, 2024 would have been much more difference, although considering the downfall of many of their players, which I blame to team roles, 2024 EG would be the kickoff winners but I honestly think it’s a 50/50 for either them or SEN to win(def some bias there.) I think they would struggle a lot in Shanghai but ultimately get around top 4ish in Champs 24.

TDLR: allat, and don’t disband your champions winning team

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