C - Razorvine (sage slow/KJ molly)
~ has the same arc as KJ molly(i think?) but is thrown from left hand like viper molly
~ dont take damage in it until you move
~ can jump without taking damage
~ can be seen by enemies when within 4m
~ can be seen when being thrown down like a KJ molly
Q - Shear (wall trip)
~ surprisingly long (i think 10m maybe bit longer)
~ can be stood on
~ cannot be boosted on from when it is activated, must be jumped on after activation
~ bulletproof
~ can be baited, seems to have a .5-ish delay after detection
~ can be seen by enemies when within 4m
~ can be seen when being thrown down like a KJ molly
E - Arc Rose (wall flash)
~ has a voice line when someone is hit by flash (flash must see head of agent)
~ flash activates from center of model
~ invincible while it is flashing
~ seems roughly the same speed as breach flash
~ can be used without an animation when it is placed, meaning it is very easy to swing with
~ can be seen by enemies within 10m
~ can be seen when being placed on wall like a Cypher cam
X - Steel Garden (primary disable)
~ same range as KJ ult
~ disables all primary weapons for people caught in range, even if they are picked up
~ startup is 3 seconds
~ doesnt work on abilities such as chamber ult and jett ult, only primaries
might have missed some stuff but this is everything ive seen so far