Subreddit is an Americas circlejerk

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This subreddit heavily favors the Americas region, and it's become clear that any fair criticism tends to get downvoted due to a strong recency bias and what feels like a "goldfish memory" syndrome. It's frustrating to see how players like Derke, who have consistently performed at an elite level and have won two international titles, receive little to no respect. On the other hand, players like c0m, who might have one standout performance every 40th match, are showered with praise and attention. The imbalance is hard to ignore—this subreddit often feels unfair and unwelcoming to fans from other regions, and it really shows in the way discussions unfold.

Aspas is a baiter


Let's just forget how D0rke was carried all of last year by Leo and Alfa


This subreddit heavily favors the Americas region, and it's become clear that any fair criticism tends to get downvoted due to a strong recency bias and what feels like a "goldfish memory" syndrome. It's frustrating to see how players like Derke, who have consistently performed at an elite level and have won two international titles, receive little to no respect. On the other hand, players like c0m, who might have one standout performance every 40th match, are showered with praise and attention. The imbalance is hard to ignore—this subreddit often feels unfair and unwelcoming to fans from other regions, and it really shows in the way discussions unfold.

Aspas is a baiter

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