This might be the best champs ever

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It seems like any team can beat any other team and most teams look in form

TH look great and most of them are starting to shoot was just a rough series from woot and reins and miniboo is starting to wake up
SEN are looking great but after that collapse against EDG might be the reason they lose
LEV are looking great and not just like aspas and friends and theyre all shooting and the starts great
DRX are looking amazing with beyn and flashback popping off buzz winning lots of fights just need foxy9 to wake up
EDG with their new found cohesion and confidence could make more noise than they have made
FNC are looking great with derke waking up alfa heating up chronicle being the goat hiro playing consistent and boaster with his great calls


in that way yes. but most of these matches are 2-0 bedgefests so no in terms of entertainment (champs 2022 > 2021 > 2023 > 2024 in terms of entertainment with 0 bias)


water is wet

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