SEN vs EDG No hate just my personal opinion.

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This is just my opinion on SEN vs EDG match, they looked really good on Haven but just forgot how to play other two maps.

Problem with SEN Sunset Defense: From watching their match vs DRX/EDG. The benefit of Neon is that shes one of the fastest rotating agents, show Zekken one side and have him rotate somewhere else. Default your setups, have breach/fade utility on A to fake SEN are fighting with Cypher setup (this baits them to think cypher is on the opposite site, when you actually fast rotated 3 players to that site) there and then have 2 guys rotate off, you can leave Tenz to hold the one way after. Break the cam should always be priority, because then if EDG defaults like the have been doing, they will be more afraid to clear A/B main. Make less obvious trap plays, they are too basic and everyone knows the mid push down with breach stun, to counter contacting up you should play an off angle because it's guaranteed like one, with a good chance of 2. Have Zekken/Tenz buy an OP, also counters contacting up. My point is don't make it too obvious with defense, retake one side and heavy side one is the too easy to read. I know SEN know this an issue, because they have fixed it before but they forgot because they haven't played Sunset in a while im not sure. Have backsite control on B, helps a lot with flooding out, EDG used zero utility backsite and just planted and left. You can punish this type of playstyle with a Flood. Have someone jiggling B main for info, so you can have faster rotates. TO BE FAIR TO SEN, there was a lot of close rounds on B retake so they did get a bit unlucky but you should not be playing 5v5 retake on B Sunset bro, thats just stupid.

As for Lotus: SEN defense was fine 6-6 on attack sided map is very good but for some reason on attack they were too scared to fight A or at least rush C off it. Johnqt hears 3 players on A, and they have no breach stun/mollies to stop your C hit, go hit C sooner. How is Kaplan not saying in the timeouts that only Smoggy is holding the line on C. I'm also confuse why SEN never fought A once on their attack, the one round they did they took A rubble so easily. Just to leave and go C for some reason. They have no Raze nade to stop Zekken/Tenz to cross rubble why are we not fighting A at all?


Aint reading allat
Good for you or sorry that happened




avg sen fan yap post


I love this team so much, and because I watch so much VCT.I can see the issues with SEN so easily, obviously im watching from a spectators POV so I cant talk about playing during the match but thats just my analysis. This is why stage 1 was so bad btw, they just went back to have they played in stage 1 and teams couldn't anti them in champs. EDG luckily fought SEN after they show this so they can do what SEN had issues with before.


Zellsis is the problem


Zellsis is not the issue at all wtf are you watching, this was a team diff. They got anti strated super well by EDG.


Funny I have the opposite opinion of edg, They have a poor understanding of haven and were way tooo agressive on that map, watching fnatic play that map then watching edg its like 3 different tiers of diff. however on lotus and sunset edg looked really good (except edgs sunset defence, they keep losing it after a huge lead in attack)


Haven is easily the best map for retakes, so SEN playstyle is perfect on that map. As for Sunset you cannot be playing retake especially on B site without killing at least one or two guys. Its ok to go 3v3. It means less spam/utility so its easier to stick bomb.


sen is also a good team.ggwp GOATenz and another z**kk.


EDG aim is insane won them a lot of rounds, SEN strats are better but cant retake against a team that knows how to mutl frag insanely well. GGWP


WP SEN.You guys have beaten koreans and shit on them.As ur 4th seed that's good enough because i like fnc as well:(((.
LFG guys.


I want SEN, EDG, or LEV to win champs if anybody so good luck rest of tournament. They will be playing TH or LEV.

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