I've recently been seeing a lot of debate about EU v.s NA, which most likely resurfaced because of G2 losing to FNC. The thing is this entire agruement is so weird it makes my brain hurt.
People have been saying that NA or Canada and the US is worst than EU or Europe because G2 lost and SEN have supposedly a team full of import players. Which for starters is an unfair comparison as EU has 50 countries, whereas NA has 2. On top of that the 2 countries that are in NA have aging populations and thus lean into imigration meaning the that a majority of players in Americans are immigrants making a straight forward comparsion between the two contients in this manner illogical. Along with that a lot of people don't seem to relise that just because Tenz and Zekken's parents were born in the Phillpians/ Vietnaman and France (look it up) doesn't mean that they aren't "Truly from NA". By that logical NONE of the NA players are, because they aren't indigious and thus are ALL slightly european. Both Tenz and Zekken are from NA (Tenz was born in Canada, Zekken the grew up in the USA). If people want to do a "fair" comparison between EU and NA roaster wise then pick two countries from EU and see how many people on TH and FNC are from the countries you picked. For FNC it doesn't matter what you pick since all the players are from different contries, however TH has 2 players (Miniboo and Boo who are brothers) from Lithhania and 2 players (Woot and Riens) from Turkey, so TH is "A pure team". When talking about champs playoffs, sure EU has 2 teams in playoffs but that's only because it had 3 teams in groups to begin with VIT, FNC and TH.
TLDR - It is EXTREMELY difficult and unneccesarry to compare two COMPELTELY diffenet contients. The disscussion should be about how theese regions have and are going to improve. NOT ABOUT this country vs that country. Thank you for your time, feel free to comment.