Trace right now

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Im no analysists and I didnt watch all of the TE games (I watched some of them but didnt finish them all) but is it just me or are they playing so weirdly. They are winning basically no aim duels, if they did they won it at the start of the round and just threw the man advantages soon after。
The thing that TE did really well against VIT and LEV is that they have incredible discipline but now they are just swinging and getting no kills right after.
I dont know what they changed but they look really weird, by weird i mean not the same team in group stage


i think edg broke them


the map vs edg spooked them. they feel heavy pressure after doing well. their calls are good, they have the right plans, but they are losing the big fights which make you panic, it feels hopeless after losing but doing the right thing, they therefor want to change something because it isnt working rn. which leads to less discpline more solo frags etc. very reminiscent of fpx vs sen


Nah they won aim duels and had man advantages like 4 or 5 rounds and they threw it all cause they overaggress or get caught. Now they're mentally tilted. It's insanely hard to recover after u mess up the beginning that badly.

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