Everyone was bitching about the crowd being annoying ,how are poeple not complaining now lol. The crowd is even more annoying
You are late. Plenty of threads like that already
I havent' seen a single one today
bc it's not sen
then its not a sen crowd problem more like americas crowd problem, cause its the same for every team
have you heard EMEA crowds LMFAO
always some obese fucker with a British accent screaming for the whole match
it’s only annoying if it’s for sen huh
yea mfs just blind hate for no reason.
he asked why people are bitching, I answered, I don't have anything against sentinels, but I'd be willing to bet that the majority of people who complain about sentinels crowds do it just because they hate sentinels
Holy shit, they are screaming like their boyfriends died.
id argue they're screaming much worse than that lol.
I love everyone was blaming the sen crowd when these crowds are so much worse
sorry my boyfriend died
amusement park aah crowd
because the people that complain are sen haters so only when its sen they hate
Average American crowd.. I always remember watching the NBA Finals and seeing fans dance to the camera when their team was almost losing the series
my man someone is giving birth in the crowd