It's actually crazy the level of crybabies in there is. That girl did not have a nice smile, go cry about it. I'm not going to change my opinion just because of my comment. All of a sudden, certain specimen of have become angels, out of nowhere. This reminds me of the Emoji + gun inside the mouth tweet by G2. Bunch of crybabies. Yet if we all go watch ourselves in the mirror, only we know the fucked up shit we did in life. Shut the fuck up , and stop crying about a comment you soy boys. We cry about me using my "baits" as an attention gathering technique, but these same people use my name to seek attention to themselves and then put on a "I'm an angel" visage.
But as a formality, I do guess I have to apologize, or else I will get these white knights with their cap on wanna-be heroes on my ass( OH NO!)
Here, a full paragraph about my emotional state right now, and how apologetic I am:
That girl definitely did not have a nice smile.