Why forsaken hang out with jingg so much is it because he is childish? They not together for over 3 years doesnt make sense!
Thabk you i am derrke Rose
Ohayo SEN CITY! ✌️
I wanna know if you guys think about this issue. Usually when I get a very upset stomach and I’m about to release an awfully massive fart, I stick my hand in my ass on my butthole right before the eruption then take it out to inspect then sniff. I started to do this to check for any signs of blood or poop, but lately I’ve begun to do it a bit out of pleasure for the smell.
My mom always begs me to stop but I don’t really see the issue with it if I wash my hands right after but sometimes I do get a little silly and forget I guess :P
Do you guys think this is weird? I wanna hear what my fellow SEN friends have to say on the matter!
Arigato! 🙇♂️