Currently, it is Jawgemo. Without a doubt. Name me a better duelist besides Aspas. Wo0t isn't there yet but he'll get there :)
wo0t is not duelist player bro
only played it at shanghai
and yeah its jaw for sure
jawgemo has proven himself to be able to play nearly all impactful duelists, besides yoru
being a good duelist doesn't mean you have an insane jett or insane raze, he's versatile and also incredibly good at the duelists he plays
Dawgemo and Demon1
ion2x for sure...
I think there's an argument for JawXG tbh
Jawgemo, t3xture, aspas, possibly MiniBoo are the clear top duelists (also cryo if u count as duelist, he sometimes plays smokes tho so idk)
Cryo is shit