SEN vs. 100T Champs Qual

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Alright assuming that we're talking about a scenario where both teams are not top 3 in split 2 and we're just talking about champs points, i think 100T would have more by the end of the season unless they bottom out during the season, which I don't see them doing since their schedule is much easier. Currently the teams are tied in points, and since 100T have one more scheduled regular season match, they have a higher likelihood of being ahead of SEN going into playoffs. The way I see SEN qualing over 100T using champs points is IF 100T aren't first seed of their group and lose their single elim match, while SEN win one match during playoffs and lose the game to be top 3.


but again this is if both teams aren't top 3, which is unlikely IMO


if eg and loud actually cooked they can pose a challenge
and in case of sen they better than all the teams they face clearcut

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