Help with Graphics Settings Disappearing


I understand that this can be fixed pretty easily by just doing the manual work but I’d like a solution just for my information.

Basically, I just logged on to the game as usual today and the settings in the graphics tab with resolution and game quality have been reset. None of the other settings tabs have been reset at all tho. I still have my key binds and sens but the graphics section is the only screwed up part. I even have the graphics section with text only for data loss and fps still the same, but the resolution and quality settings are screwed up. Finally, I even logged in to my other account for when I travel and it happened exactly the same to it.

I tried some logging on and off while deleting the configs file trick but it didn’t work. Do I just need to hope that it works tomorrow or is there something I’m just missing since valorant might just be acting up for me today? Thanks

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