Cool story bro
this is the worst finals ever tell me how im wrong
Never seen Fnc3-0eg ?
SEN vs FNC was the worst, this is a close second
at least that one is iconic whereas this one we will forget in 2 weeks. Actual sleeper 😴😴😴😴😴
cant argue with that one
i mean it will be remembered as APAC's first trophy (if they win)
whats wrong with PRX?
they have no right talking about finals
and FPX does? at least PRX was close
yea its actually boring
yee i agree
the one sided map, the crowd, the casters
yea this is sad, if champs is anything close to this then competitive valorant is doomed
It will be biased for kr teams for sure but that's to be expected.
you forgot about champ 2021😴😴😴😴
EU in finals = i sleep
Average American attention span:
imo, Iceland 2021 was the worst, tied with Tokyo since FNC owned EG
Iceland 2022*
SEN vs FNC was so good (14-12, 16-14, 13-11 all close maps and first NA vs EU grand final and first final of all time)
Yeah i get you i would be also bored if my region is so bad that they cant even make it to finals
what? I support PRX thats all. This is the worst finals ever