get rid of rossy and carpe add stax and jinboong
(xccurate and stax duo calling)
Bro is making stax igl again lmfao pls stfu
something called secondary calling, also why you so mad did you have a bad day?
Just let bro frag
ethan was secondary calling on eg and he was still fragging doesn't mean stax can't either
Different players and different systems he might frag put but putting 0 pressure on him for calling would let him frag the fuck out
might as well go full korean instead of forcing four koreans to speak english
thats what i thought but I couldn't find another korean flex player that was actually good
RC Akame
he's duelist
(checked his profile further and saw that he was kind of a flex but he's doing good on duelist I doubt he would want to change back)
used to flex in JDT
yoman hyunmin stax izu jinboong