Flair check
when a bait sucks
for example this would be an 8/8 bait
Title: forsaken sucks so much
Actually that skin is dog why do pros use it
Asuna yuki: 8/8 bait
8/8 means ? 8 by 8 What's the origin
idk where the origin is from but when people say 8/8 it means the bait was fire
i think its because on vlr you can have 8 half-stars therefore 8/8 as in genuine user (therefore good bait), 0/8 new user, so probably burner acc = baiter
I don't really know either but i just tell myself the maximum is 8 because "eight" rhymes with "bait"
Shouldnt we use /11 instead? Increase the range of rating. Id rate your answer 8/11 , 10/11 or something in between
9/11 bait