I thought of some possible changes riot could make to the duelists, I'd love to hear your opinions
Raze: Her satchels are still really strong so I think a good adjustment would be to make her satchels only do knock back to raze
Another change to raze could be to increase her ult cost to 9, but I feel like that would be too much of a nerf
Jett: While she isn't the most used duelist as of now, I feel like there should be an adjustment to her dash to make it so jett can only dash forward where she is looking
Neon: Add neon wall damage back and make it not damage teammates.
Phoenix: I think a good buff to give would be to his wall and molly to give pheonix a stim effect while he is in range of them and to reduce the damage both abilities do to teammates
Yoru: During setup time, yoru tp should decay 3x slower, he should be able to pick his clone back up during setup, and there should be a slight reduction in how long it takes yoru to teleport/pullout his gun after teleporting during the round
Iso: His wall should be a little bigger and his signature should give him a firing and movement speed buff in addition to its current reload speed increase
Reyna: I have no fucking idea other than to merge her heal and dismiss into one ability and to give her some sort of ability that helps her engage in 1v1s