Are you dogshit at valorant? Are your teammates always screeching at you when you lose in post plants. Worry no more coz I am here.
There are multiple ways to juke the defuser in a 1v1, if the bomb is planted for you then you should almost never lose a 1v1 if it involves no util.
1) Dry Peek off Bomb tap: this is the reason why you die all the time, its bad stop doing that.
2) Peek after 3 seconds of tap: works best with high time remaining, but dont commit to the peek since the defuser might have fake tapped.
3) Peek 6 seconds after tap: works best in low time, little risky since they might be off after a half defuse.
4) Jump Peek: bread and butter of 1v1 post plants, works with any amount of time remaining, if they are sticking on your jump peeks then do no.5
5) Shoulder peek/ stray bullets: always gets them off the defuse, never commit your whole body to the peek, also works every time but works better with low time.
6) Give running Foot then hold: if the bomb is not planted for you then you can give some running steps and hold for a wide peek, the steps usually scare them off the defuse if there is a lot of time remaining