As a viper main and a vct enjoyer, heres how I think Viper will be played out in the meta
Breeze: I think she'll still have a 100% pickrate here since Harbor doesnt really have anything over her.
Icebox: I think Harbor over Viper is an option now. There are walls on B and A that you can do that you cant do with Viper. Like the B wall that goes deep in ct, or the one that covers orange, ct window, heaven and snowman. There are also some retake walls on B that can be used instead of the Viper B orb. And wall lasts 3 seconds longer than viper's. Though I can see teams still play Viper just because of the mid orb. Maybe we will see more Viper+Harbor. If teams decide to run Harbor, solo then the way they play the map will completely change though
Bind: I think Viper is still good here. You can do the same default setup every round and be fine. The only downside is after you take A, you cant take the orb back to use for post
Sunset, Ascent: Viper wasnt as dominant on these maps so she will be irrelevant now
Lotus, Split: I think we will still see viper here and there but I think people will stop using Viper. Omen + Astra can also be used i think
Pearl: Viper + Harbor still has potential imo
Haven: Probably back to double init meta
Fracture: Similar to Lotus, Split. She will be a niche pick