As we know after the roster moves, post Ascension, is the real Reason of Bleed's downfall its not just abt one element, even Deryeon went down due to uncomfortable roles.
So from here we would try to revive the old structure of Bleed.
-Yay (no need to explain)
-Zest (despite him being good smtimes, i dont think he can jell up comf. with a non-KR lineUp)
-Retla (mid af)
fix the rumoured shit b/w sScary and Crazyguy
- Crazyguy (IGL + recon Init)
- sScary(2nd caller + controller)
- Deryeon (Senti- we can see he was good on that particular role)
Next to replace Juicy and Nephh role perfectly we will pick similar/consistent talent from MYSG pool.
- Vera/XAN (Duelist- Simply super consistent fellas)
- Styron/Grumble (another options for good Initiators- with precise aim to hold their grounds)