sacy is playing fine as a sen fan hes doing his job and getting info, just cus his kd isnt pretty doesn't mean he doesnt have impact
they need someone to put all the blame on, it´s always been like that
its been like this for all teams
bro you guys do same for qck prx for monyet
all teams do same
except monyet and qck literally hold their teams back but ok
noo i just pointed out that every fanbase does that
no one should be blamed on it's a team game
most fans dont take their eyes of the scoreboard and dont actually pay attention to the util & info he gains
i mean his aim is kinda holding us back.. losing important fights lmao
disgusting behavior from SEN fans as per usual
sacy is 50/50 either plays ass or realy good and a clutch god
idk no hate but i feel like he would be a better cs player than a valorant player