I like SEN players!
All very cool, good guys! I will be rooting for them in Madrid
I just think the org is poorly managed
I speak for 99% of vlr when i say WE Dont care 🤫
Doing it for the 1% 🤫
shut up asuna
here before acegamer30
whats up wit da acegamer hate
idk but i see him in every thread 💀
Very unreasonable guy
sez u?
I am on my objective take arc
I am very reasonable
I'm not so sure about that chief
omg 😍🥰😘
We don't claim you. Don't try to jump the ship for the 11th time @Asuna_yuuki
When did I try jumping ship?
NRG are my favorite team but SEN are second
NRG not in Madrid so I root for SEN!
Don't take it too seriously. I am just joking. I ain't no gatekeeper. You wanna support the biggest and greatest team in esports? Be my guest homie..
Fake bandwagon ( jk if you wanna support then go for it)
I apologize if I wasn't clear. perhaps let me try to rephrase what I meant... NA is irrelevant. China above all