never heard of this guy, is he good?
not as good as egoist
probably chem issues
they had 2 games brother on top of that if they had chem issues it should've been noticed during trials/scrims and the move shouldn't have happened
yeah obviously egoist is a great player but i saw someone trustworthy say bleed were having chem issues
either way I feel like dropping a player after 2 matches isn't a way to fix a team
Could've not noticed in trials, then in scrims it came up so after the two games went bad they dropped him
they didn't do trials
he played for early PRX and Bleed in 2022 if i remember correctly
he was recycled player of bleed
Crazy guy to zest I can understand because of experience and because I’m a zest fan, but I don’t get egoist to retla, egoist looks quite a bit better