SEN( Top 4 ranking is pretty irrelevant, all super close, just prefer in this order)
LOUD ( only lost goatpiss, tuyz is on his best role again )
NRG ( traded in the boar for goat semen1 and a walking fossil for the best flashes, IGL ability as a unknown quantity )
LEV( NRG vs LEV really depend on who has a better IGL, Kingg or Ethan, kingg was a really bad midrounder though or atleast lev was the worst midround team in NA )
G2 ( will probably be decent but way below the top 4 in terms of level )
Furia ( Mwzera will probably do what sayf did last EMEA league and carry but i dont think FURIA can be top 4 without huge performances from everyone else)
C9 ( will find a way to make t2 players into league topping chokers, they will choke playoffs after finishing 3rd in league so 7th is good )
KRU ( good coach, sadly lost their second best player and from what I know a huge presence in their calling structure )
EG ( who knows but if potter stays they probably outperform these bums below them )
MIBR ( absolute shite but at the very least above T3 100 frauds )
100T ( realistically if they get boostio top 6 but dont know if + boostio is even enough to outperform G2, jawg would be more impactful imo )