16:9 or 4:3 and why, what do you prefer?
I'm torn between the two, because of lineups which is why I ask for your opinions.
I think forZe
4:3 feels weird has no benefits besides the fact that the crosshairs look better, so 16:9 for valorant imo
Second this
what about the giant heads? the image is stretched so the heads are wildly bigger
no it isn’t thats only in csgo
they made it so in valorant it doesn't change the models
16:9 cuz 69 go brrrrrrrrrrrrr
4:3 because Im used to it
it doesnt exist in valorant, u dont get advantages from stretched other than extra fps and a better looking crosshair
4:3 doesn't work in valorant, so 16:9 FullHD, this game is playable in this aspect ratio and resolution
4:3 in cs but in valorant 16:9 the 4:3 doesn´t feel really smooth like in cs