Is S0m’s relationship with this guy normal?

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I don't know if this is just an American thing but I stumbled upon S0m’s tracker and noticed that he’s duoed with some fns guy for 253 matches in this act only and that they've been doing together this hard for the past year. They also talked a lot on discord but Katie doesn’t talk to him...

This guy wakes up early almost every day just to duo with FNS and with all the duo romance going on this feels kinda weird but idk if you guys fuck with that kinda stuff in America. I mean its clear that they have something special going on and I'm sure Katie is aware of that because 253 matches in the past month and 3 weeks ALONE is record breaking, I've never seen any duo in Valorant spend that much time together.

In EU we're not really comfortable letting another man spend that much time together with our guy who sound like they're practically flirting in matches, I think this situation is part of why FNS is still washed after two whole years. Katie again doesn't even talk to him anymore, it's clear that he doesn't really like this FNS guy.

What are we thinking?


I don't know if this is just an American thing but I stumbled upon S0m’s tracker and noticed that he’s duoed with some fns guy for 253 matches in this act only and that they've been doing together this hard for the past year. They also talked a lot on discord but Katie doesn’t talk to him...

This guy wakes up early almost every day just to duo with FNS and with all the duo romance going on this feels kinda weird but idk if you guys fuck with that kinda stuff in America. I mean its clear that they have something special going on and I'm sure Katie is aware of that because 253 matches in the past month and 3 weeks ALONE is record breaking, I've never seen any duo in Valorant spend that much time together.

In EU we're not really comfortable letting another man spend that much time together with our guy who sound like they're practically flirting in matches, I think this situation is part of why FNS is still washed after two whole years. Katie again doesn't even talk to him anymore, it's clear that he doesn't really like this FNS guy.

What are we thinking?


katie won come get your mans


Bro was so fast


lets tp my kittens!


FNS keeps his dogs on a tight leash, MASTERCLASS


Saya tidak tahu apakah ini hanya hal Amerika tetapi saya menemukan pelacak S0m dan memperhatikan bahwa dia berduet dengan beberapa orang fns untuk 253 pertandingan dalam babak ini saja dan mereka telah melakukan hal yang sulit bersama-sama selama setahun terakhir. Mereka juga banyak membicarakan perselisihan tetapi Katie tidak berbicara dengannya...

Orang ini bangun pagi hampir setiap hari hanya untuk berduet dengan FNS dan dengan semua romansa duo yang terjadi, ini terasa agak aneh tapi aku tidak tahu jika kalian bercinta dengan hal-hal semacam itu di Amerika. Maksud saya, jelas bahwa mereka sedang mengadakan sesuatu yang istimewa dan saya yakin Katie menyadarinya karena 253 pertandingan dalam sebulan terakhir dan 3 minggu SENDIRI memecahkan rekor, saya belum pernah melihat duo mana pun di Valorant menghabiskan waktu sebanyak itu bersama. .

Di UE kami tidak terlalu nyaman membiarkan pria lain menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama dengan pria kami yang terdengar seperti mereka sedang menggoda dalam pertandingan, saya pikir situasi ini adalah bagian dari mengapa FNS masih terhapus setelah dua tahun penuh. Katie lagi-lagi bahkan tidak berbicara dengannya lagi, yang jelas dia tidak terlalu menyukai pria FNS ini.

Apa yang kita pikirkan?


I don't know if this is just an American thing but I stumbled upon S0m’s tracker and noticed that he’s duoed with some fns guy for 253 matches in this act only and that they've been doing together this hard for the past year. They also talked a lot on discord but Katie doesn’t talk to him...

This guy wakes up early almost every day just to duo with FNS and with all the duo romance going on this feels kinda weird but idk if you guys fuck with that kinda stuff in America. I mean its clear that they have something special going on and I'm sure Katie is aware of that because 253 matches in the past month and 3 weeks ALONE is record breaking, I've never seen any duo in Valorant spend that much time together.

In EU we're not really comfortable letting another man spend that much time together with our guy who sound like they're practically flirting in matches, I think this situation is part of why FNS is still washed after two whole years. Katie again doesn't even talk to him anymore, it's clear that he doesn't really like this FNS guy.

What are we thinking?

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