Due to the incredible amount of feedback from all my dedicated fans I have revised my list to greater represent our wonderful community.
- Account123
- Raka_gg
- Hekzy (greek beast)
- Bebop
- NSG_Obsver_1
- HLTV_Master_race
- Pussyjett (funny person)
- Me
- NSG_Observer_2 (bully)
- Bleghfarec (actually created this site)
Honourable mentions
Greedeetv (very nice person)
Enigmabruh (literally never seen a post from them)
Hekzy (yeah I know he's on the list but he only has 3 stars LMAO)
Swaglord69 (first person to reply to my last post)
Please make it own lists as well thankyou. Thank