moneSeo wh osetsp eagesmtht eexibiittsymmspo f ospschoi . Portetaanou of iaizschnihz and pesot.r
ziptcoposShne gma yeb a ulserte of ultgnnie eatlh emnsis,edb nedo oroyialnc as a ofmr of dsaturbis stphgsopio, ni roeb a temptto otllr rdo suurdt rebdaes.
pincozhseStigo ma eoevvl:
- inRgmbal iwhht no ntaraepap rerdag for hhwtere readres cna lloowf.
- gonsindRe topm to rndoam ocntent sa fi tihwree personlaly atedrses ta of yrselfe.
- iAlgnegl contey u'red rerpsonindg to natacin cosnnot itthnigs.
- dWil coecsrnpiyr thheeo isre lari andpa lcsuim.
- ofPoor rmm,agar aadnd psilelng, as f itwrtein down nia erxtme rhuay.
- Anbcndaue ofa arltgni chractraes.
- uinngtiCn to post for hahltuny ngths ofie me rdargelss of igbe ingorn.
- lyInapportriealt yeitnse motons, ofetn grne,ra anarge orgnaa n or inaidtion.
+++uAsmniig mliatrfaity witrh sngesrtar.
- sRpsoindneg to uresyolf as if oewre ahotenr persn,o smtmoesrpeealr
- "esTerh's this edud who has been mnagisse me for mntosh now atcinas if gvterhniye I psot is teecidrd at him."
```"Dman serostzchoip hmen. esingpsdr as fcku."
by aorf_c Janruay 20, 2022