why nAts is different

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in ACS normally the duelist/chamber is the best but look at this
TenZ: 3 times best ACS of the match, 6 times best ACS of the map (3 times best ACS of the team, 6 times best ACS of the team in a map)
ShahZam: 2 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Sick: 1 time best ACS of the match (1 best ACS of the team in a map)

Cned: 1 time best ACS of the match, 4 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team, 7 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Zeek: 2 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team, 3 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Starxo: (2 times best ACS of the team, 2 times bst ACS of the team in a map)
Bonecold: (1 time best ACS of the team in a map)

Yay: 2 times best ACS of the match, 4 times best ACS of the map (6 times best ACS of the team, 10 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Marved: 1 time best ACS of the match, 3 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 5 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Victor: 1 time best ACS of the match, 4 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 5 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Crashies: 1 time best ACS of the map (3 times best ACS of the team in a map)

Ardiis: 2 times best ACS of the match, 6 times best ACS of the map (5 times best ACS of the team, 10 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Shao: 2 times best ACS of the match, 3 times best ACS of the map (3 times best ACS of the team, 7 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Suygetsu: 1 time best ACS of the match, 3 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 4 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Ange1: 2 times best ACS of the map (3 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Zyppan: (1 time best ACS of the team in a map)

Aspas: 1 time best ACS of the match, 4 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team, 6 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Less: 1 time best ACS of the match, 3 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 4 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Saadhak: 1 time best ACS of the match, 2 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 4 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Pancada: 1 time best ACS of the match, 1 time best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team, 2 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Sacy: 1 time best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 2 times best ACS of the team in a map)

Derke: 5 times best ACS of the match, 10 times best ACS of the map (7 times best ACS of the team, 11 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Chronicle: 2 times best ACS of the match, 2 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team, 3 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Leo: 6 times best ACS of the map (7 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Boaster: 2 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team in a map)
Alfajer: 1 time best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team in a map)

Demon1: 4 times best ACS of the match, 5 times best ACS of the map (4 times best ACS of the team, 10 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Jawgemo: 2 times best ACS of the match, 5 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team, 6 times best ACS of the team in a map)
C0M: 1 time best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 3 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Boostio: 1 time best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team in a map)

Redgar: (1 time best ACS of the team in a map)
D3ffo: 2 times best ACS of the map (2 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Sheydos: 2 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 3 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Chronicle: 1 time best ACS of the match, 2 times best ACS of the map (1 time best ACS of the team, 4 times best ACS of the team in a map)
Nats: 4 times best ACS of the match, 5 times best ACS of the map (4 times best ACS of the team, 5 times best ACS of the team in a map) 4/6 match best ACS with Cypher/Viper GOAT


Who wins? GE or DFM?


GE, i guess Benkai>>>>> all GE and DFM players


nats clears them all πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ


so basically what u r saying, n0ts > s1mple.


wtf who compares between games


fellow nAts glazer 😍
pintoo is now my fav vlr user


nAts is the GOAT. personally my favorite player



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