An organization from the franchise league, which resembles a bird, got into huge drama with ''MiTH', a challenger team from Thailand. Many speculate the cause of the drama could be signing the prodigy duelist 'Kadoom'.
In the past few weeks, Kadoom has been saying that he would retire on his stream, this is out of nowhere and leading to confusion among people. However, this morning, Voo, a notable figure in the Thai Valorant scene and upper management of MiTH, went on the rampage on Facebook about how his team got backdoored by a franchise organization. Many speculated that Kadoom got the offer from the franchise organization and seems as if the said organization refused to contact the Thai organization about this ongoing deal with the player. This leads people to believe that the franchise organization persuades the player to retire and try to get the player without paying a penny to the challenger organization.
As of now, the organization has privately reached out to Voo and MiTH to apologize for the inappropriate action they committed.
source: Voo, CuteBoy
Edited: sorry for broken English, trying to fix AMAP
Edited: Not the first time they've done this shit.