can we speed up kicking navi out of t1?
this year theyre bottom 3 out of all 33 teams its just shocking how we allow a team with such poor management to remain in t1
Your team will be relegated and there is nothing you can do about it
im not a hater, I hope MIBR gets relegated so the real BR talents can shine like NA talents shined with EG
i feel bad that guys like mwzera are stuck with bums and not potential goats
mw is on furia
What if we kick all fr*nch people from the planet :3
Bro stfu you are too annoying We get that you hate navi go support your guest slot org that will be bottom at the league
this isnt hate its prophecy im enlightening the public
when navi finishes 9th in emea what will people say then?
u guys are a 'guest slot' calm down 😆
a lot of teams will be unpartnered in the upcoming years most likely
Least M8 are guaranteed after 2 years 🥳🎊