as an emea dog

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We didn't deserve that title at all. I mean look at G2, Sarah and Roxi for example. Does anyone think they fit into that title? Honestly I think they've been dragging down the team so far.
I think G2 didn't even deserve 3rd place either. And also bbl of course. Actually I was rooting for them along the event as you guys expect(flag check) but they had a lot of issues but it is what it is, excuses doesn't matter. So, good one americas and SR. You owned emea this year on gc.


As an NA mongrel, the COVID cases were super unfortunate. Can't wait until we can put that shit behind us.


We didn't deserve that title at all. I mean look at TL, Daiki and Bizerra for example. Does anyone think they fit into that title? Honestly I think they've been dragging down the team so far.
I think TL didn't even deserve 2nd place either. And also Loud of course. Actually I was rooting for them along the event as you guys expect(flag check) but they had a lot of issues but it is what it is, excuses doesn't matter. So, good one NA and SR. You owned brazil this year on gc.

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