Who's gonna win
NA secret agent (will destroy bleed)
I don't think y0y will be NA secret agent because NA fucked him hard
You won't understand the CIA gameplay
APAC took him in a time when even T2 doesn't want him, he isn't CIA he's just y0y
Yay raze > fartdiss Yay Jett > fartdiss Yay chamber > any pros
Yay wins
yay raze: 0 kills ardiss raze: -1 (kills himself) yay wins
Yay can 1 v 5 your team
Replace yay with y0y and we good
yay clears 👍
y0y overrated
(moai emoji)
obv ardiis, did more in a year than y0y's entire career
Sscary clear these two frauds
coughing baby vs coughing baby
#blud #bludfighting #bl00d #bleed_yay #y0y #sscary🐐 #memezera🗿 #okobotro🗿🗿🗿