Why does everyone hate him?
People here like me have no life so hate on even random people now
1) He talked shit about James ff.
People in this website suck off James ff
2) Compared daveeys death to twisten death.
What he said was for sure wrong but if u see the tweet u will understand that it isn't how
people are portraying it .ofc people will like some players more than the other but didn't have to tweet about it . If he hadn't talked shit about James ff no one would care about
this tweet. ( still bad tweet )
3) he replied to some vlr msgs and got mad about people downvoting him and hating .
People are saying he is making himself the victim but he was just mad for getting hate .
Tbh he isn't even famous to simply hate on. No tournaments going on rn so people can't find a proper topic so found some random kid to hate on .
Personally I don't have any reason to hate him as he is not morbidly obese