that many people think PRX will win this should be a 50 50 at most, delusional
take it back 😡
nah prx have map ban advantage
Yeah it's jingg's last game, ofc PLP are gonna root for prx
82% is crazy, if eg win, this will go down in the history books
na fans coping
I dont think its 50/50 with 2 bans advantage and EG played 5 maps yesterday, free vod for prx
People supporting PRX cause it's Jinggg's last match. It's what they wish for. It's not 50-50 anyway because of the map bans.
Probably like 90/10 for PRX ngl. EG still lost to them even though they got 5/6 pistols
u cant say even though they got pistols if they got those pistols that means they are better at pistols all 3 maps were very close, ik ur just malding cause emea is shit
50/50, either prx win either eg lose