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Why not get players from india and give them time to improve GE want instant success pick all good players in APAC and put them together but GE have trash Duelist that can play only jett and whiff all his shots if op have recoil of phantom maybe he get a kill theres so many good players in india but GE dont have trust to there home grown players kinda suck to see indian org carried by international players indian players need to step up FCK GE


Why not get players from india and give them time to improve GE want instant success pick all good players in APAC and put them together but GE have trash Duelist that can play only jett and whiff all his shots if op have recoil of phantom maybe he get a kill theres so many good players in india but GE dont have trust to there home grown players kinda suck to see indian org carried by international players indian players need to step up FCK GE

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