The new goat raze is Reduxx and all these new zoomers duelists coming up. Would be a good storyline though.
he is going to university bro
oh really i was hoping he would come back :( damn that's really sad then.
he'll be gone for at leas 6 yrs :(
damn i think he gonna just retired. Man that's sad if this is his last tourny. I hope prx wins.
highly doubt bruh, why would he give up his career for uni which he can attend after his val career
Wait he's going for 2 years ?
Jinggg can still join EMEA team while in uni
bro gonna have a fucked up teeth SAJ
Bro has earned and grinded enough(yet to achieve the trophy)let him enjoy and move on with his life and stop these comeback threads feels bad to remind myself he will be going