In search of matchmaking equivalent

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Is anyone aware of any competitive/casual alternatives to traditional ranked matchmaking for mid-high elo?

I love Valorant and I've played it for the last 3 years on a team for my university but during that time I've absolutely fallen out of love with ranked. The randomness of half your team having no mics and not trying to play the game well by communicating and cooperating has driven me away from playing. I'm looking for some type of 10 mans server where people actually try and communicate while playing, while still understanding the balance that we're playing to win and for fun. I may not be the best player topping the scoreboards every game, but I always communicate and strategize and try to play the objective for my team and that has led to me finding anger instead of enjoyment in ranked.

Id like to play the game more and I think that I would, while having way more enjoyment, if I just abandoned ranked for some random discord organized 10 mans. Anyone know of some good ones that accept mid diamond-low immortal players?


There’s other options

  1. Use tracker and search for teammates
    2.join tracker discord
    3.join Valorant discord and make friends there’s ppl who do frequent 10mans but it mainly a duo search
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