Pinoy fans come!! T2 and Team Secret Discussion

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As a Filipino living in north america, I’ve found myself still rooting for any roster that consist of filipino talent such as, Team Secret, RRQ, NAOS, and even Indian teams with pinoy imports. I feel like the t2 scene in the Philippines has truly a lot of potential. I am just quite upset with team secret and the way they manage the roster, there is clearly nepotism as JcVash and Jremy are related even the country manager who is JC wife. I was just wondering what are some rosters you guys would like to see for secret? (Lets say you can pick up anyone who has played in the last vct spilt) Too add on if Team secret were to leave the League what would be a suitable org to replace them?

Here my ph dream roster:

Tesseract (sova + fade??)
Invy (Skye, Kayo, maybe even secondary smokes
Jremy (Killjoy + Raze)
JA (jett + chamber if still in meta)
PapiChulo (smokes)
6th Man: any cracked Pinoy demon tbh just to develop under them
Coach: Warbirds

Not to sure who would IGL. Also I know invy and tesseract play same role, but i am pretty sure invy could flex into secondary smokes, he played viper against ZETA, needs more practice.




Yes? O:


thats one of the 10 words I know lol

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