There's 1.4 billion indians, there must be atleast 5 indians who can match Fnatic's talent
Its just a matter of time 🤫
Brit talking about Indian population
Sadly flair 😹😹😹
let me cook
Same with China, except they already have that team 🤩
Those 5 Indians are probably forced to study 🤫
ya man bcuz India is the only country in Asia where teens be studying
What??? I didn't mean it to be in that way
ive seen this studying argument thrown arnd a lot. Js pointing it out bcuz it makes 0 sense
1.4 billion people but I can grantee we have less players then indo thai pH or atleast around that and most of them are casual chilling in bronze
We actually have huge playerbase most of them are stuck in bronze silver gold bcz of trash their pc maybe
might be true
But all those people are playing against each other on the same Mumbai server so there should be people that stand out